Bruce and Judy just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Bruce is an electrical engineer and Judy ran an insurance brokerage; they delighted in raising their daughter and both have been very involved with volunteer work. Judy’s family has polycystic kidney disease; her dad died far too young and she has lost 2 sisters. She was diagnosed with PKD when she was 47 and by the age of 65, kidney disease was affecting her health and life. Bruce was anxious to donate a kidney, but initially it seemed unlikely as he was 76 years old. However, with persistence and a lot of testing to confirm his good health, he was approved as a donor. Then they found, as many couples do who have had a child together, that they were not a match. Luckily, not long after Judy started dialysis, they fit into a Kidney Paired Donation chain where at least 5 people received life-saving transplants. Judy and Bruce are amazed and thankful to be a part of such a miraculous process. A short 6 months later they are back volunteering, working, and travelling together.